Sunday 24 November 2013

Case Study Film Trailer Analysis

Halloween Movie Trailer  



This is the trailer for the movie Halloween, which was released in 1978. This is a very conventional trailer for horror movies. In terms of sound, the music being played is very dark. It is a piano and this creates suspense. A convention of a trailer is that the music used creates suspense, this is to make the audience want to go and watch the movie when it comes out, and this convention has been conformed to in this trailer.

The scenes that the trailer is set in is very conventional. One scene is set in a posh suburban area and another scene is set in a house. These settings are well known horror movie conventions. Directors like to set horror movies in suburban areas because its the last place you'd expect to contain a serial killer. 

For Editing, many fades out and fade ins are used in the trailer. This is used to tell the audience the name of the Movie. Jump Cuts are also used. They're used when showing the audience all the times the Killer has murdered someone. This is effective because it creates the sense that the serial killer is ruthless and heartless.

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