Thursday 3 October 2013

World War Z - Trailer Analysis

The Trailer

What Is the Genre? How can you tell?

Zombies, Horror, Action, I can tell this based on previous stories with similar equilibrium. I can also tell that the genre is action because of the jump cuts used in the trailer. This shows that the movie is fast paced.

What can you say about the editing?

Short Shots and Jump Cuts are used in the editing of the trailer. The use of a fade is also present during the trailer. This fade is used to jump from one scene to another, this helps to build up suspense. The fade is also used to show us the title of the movie.

Who is The Target Audience?

Teenagers to adults. They're known to enjoy games. eg: Call Of Duty Zombies and Gears of War, with similar story-lines.

Do you think the trailer is effective?

It is effective. Builds up to possible resolutions and then cuts out and shows movie name. Leaves viewer wanting to see the movie.

What can you say about the sound?

Dialogue in the begining. Short Dialogue. The sound used helps to build up the suspense. Some diagetic sound and some non-diagetic sound.

Who are the main characters?

The main characters are the dad of the family, the black security guard, the mum of the family and the daughter.

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